In need of lost passport service in Los Angeles CA? Getting a lost passport replacement in Los Angeles has never been easier. You have the option of applying online, gathering the required documents, then mailing the paperwork in. Or you can make an appointment nearby in Los Angeles to apply in person.
Stolen / Lost Passport – Information
Step 1: Gathering the necessary documents
Step 2: Getting the documents Authorized
Step 3: Shipping the documents
– Statement of Lost/Stolen Passport (Form DS-64)
Complete this form only if your lost/stolen passport is still valid. Fill in as much of the passport information as you can. Answer all the questions in detail.
– Passport Application (Form DS-11)
DO NOT SIGN the form. Upon completion, the original form must be signed by the applicant in front of the Acceptance Agent. Find Acceptance Agent near you.
Complete Question #18 as follows:
– Write your name as it appeared in your passport.
– Write the approximate date of issue.
– Include the passport number if known.
– Under “DISPOSITION”, mark the appropriate box.
– If your passport was expired, write “EXPIRED” next to the “OTHER” box.
Passport Application must be completed online.
Please print out 1 copy of this letter. Fill out all the necessary information and sign. DO NOT let Acceptance Agent seal the letter inside the envelope along with other papers.
Two Passport Photos
Photos must be recent, identical, 2×2 inches, not from a vending machine.
More on photo requirements
Proof of Citizenship
– Original Birth Certificate (if born in US), or
– Old (undamaged) passport, or
– Read more on proof of US citizenship here
NOTE: All originals will be returned to you with the passport.
Proof of Identity
– Current, valid Driver’s License issued more than 6 months ago
For MINORS or if none of the above is available read more
Travel Itineary (Rush Service Only )
– Copy of a plane ticket to a foreign country, or
– Copy of a travel itinerary with the applicant’s name showing dates and flight info, or if neither is available and traveling for business
– Certified Check or Money Order payable to the
“US Department of State” for $170.00
– Certified Check or Money Order payable to the
“Dokument USA Inc.”:
– for $150 for 5 business day service;
– for $300 for 2 business day service;
– for $400 for the next business day service
Stolen / Lost Passport – Info
The Acceptance Agent has to:
– Witness the signing of the application
– Collect $25 execution fee
– Check applicant’s ID
– Verify the documents, and seal them into an envelope.
Stolen / Lost Passport – Info
For faster service and accurate tracking we recommend using FedEx. The items that should be handed to the Agent and sealed are:
– Filled out form DS-11 signed in front of the Agent
– Form DS-64
– Original proof of citizenship
– Two passport photos
– Travel Itinerary (Rush Service only)
– Certified Check or Money Order payable to the “US Department of State” for the appropriate amount.
DO NOT let the Agent seal the Letter of Authorization inside the envelope.
The Acceptance Agent should write the applicant’s name, departure date, and date of birth on the outside of the sealed envelope. If two applications are sealed in the same envelope please make sure that the information about both applicants is written on the envelope.
For MINORS ages under 14 and 14 to 17 please follow this link
You must inform the Agent that you are using a passport agency to expedite the processing and that the sealed documents will be hand-delivered to the Department of State. This Department of State policy is called “Hand Carrying of Executed Applications“. The policy is detailed on page 31 and 44 of the Acceptance Agent Manual.
The Acceptance Agent will than return the sealed envelope to you. Do not open the envelope. FedEx the sealed envelope and the rest of the documents to us for processing.
Our Address:
Dokument USA Inc.,
1123 N Fairfax Ave.,
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Stolen / Lost Passport – Information, Requirements, Assistance
Email us at info@dokumentusa.com or call us at (323) 650-2233.